To further the intellectual agenda,  Journal of Biological Studies is dedicated to publishing high-quality articles and adhering to publication ethics. We hold our authors accountable for adhering to publication ethics best practices and ensuring the quality of their articles.

Certain authors may elect to have their manuscripts withdrew from the publication process subsequent to submission. While revocation requests are occasionally submitted a few days after the manuscript's submission date, the majority of the time they are submitted quite late, when the manuscript is mere days away from being published in the journal. Removing manuscripts from consideration for publication results in the squandering of valuable resources and a substantial investment of time and effort by the editorial staff, reviewers, and editors.

Before submitting a manuscript, authors are kindly requested to determine the number of authors, the authorship contributions, and the order of authors. Idealistically, these should be determined prior to the manuscript's composition.

In order to prevent manuscript withdrawal, we respectfully request that the authors, particularly the corresponding author or the first author, ensure the following concerns are resolved prior to submitting the manuscript to Journal of Biological Studies:

- Verify that the information and facts presented in the manuscripts are precise and devoid of any errors.

- Additional advantages derived from the published article include reprinting the entire article or a portion of it, lectures, press releases, visibility in textbooks and periodicals, and the ability for both the publisher and the author to incorporate these benefits into future works.

- Verify that the data presented in the manuscript are the original work of the authors; that the authors have obtained written permission from the relevant departments and/or institutions to use the materials and resources as they were utilized in the study; and that any data and facts derived from external sources or individuals have been appropriately cited.

- Authorship contributions, authorship number, and authorship sequence of a publication should be determined prior to manuscript submission.

- Provide each author with a copy of the final manuscript and knowledge of the journal to which the manuscript is being submitted prior to submitting it for publication.

- Obtain consensus from all authors regarding the journal to which the manuscript should be submitted for publication.

- For publication consideration, only one journal should receive the submitted manuscript. It is not advisable to submit the manuscript to multiple journals concurrently.

- Pre-Publication Withdrawal: Within ten days of manuscript submission, manuscripts may be withdrawn. Requests for withdrawals must be submitted through email. Withdrawal of a manuscript will be granted solely for the most compelling and unavoidable reasons, at any point prior to publication.

- Post-publication Withdrawal: Following publication, manuscripts may solely be removed or withdrawn in the event of copyright infringements or legal disputes.