Regarding research papers involving human subjects, the Journal's policy mandates that authors adhere to specific criteria. The guidelines adhere to the 1978 Helsinki Declaration.This research on human subjects should have received approval from the author's institutional board or another suitable committee; the name and date of this approval committee must be acknowledged.

In a similar vein, the manuscript ought to comprise a declaration that affirms the following:

"All procedures followed were in accordance with the ethical standards of the responsible committee on human experimentation (institutional and national) and with the Helsinki Declaration of 1975, as revised in 2008."


"Informed consent was obtained from all patients for being included in the study." If such consent is not obtained, an appropriate justification must be provided. If the journal so requests, authors are obligated to provide the institutional board's approval letter.

Animals Studies and Ethical Treatment

There are guidelines established by the National Research Council regarding the use and caring of laboratory animals. Any research conducted on these animals must adhere to the boundaries set forth by these guidelines. Every pertinent aspect concerning the utilization of these animals for investigations and other associated research ought to be explicitly delineated in the manuscript.

The author must obtain written approval from the institutional ethical committee (for animal/human studies), which should be submitted to the journal upon request. A comparable declaration ought to be included in the methods/experimental section of the manuscript.

For example:

All animal studies were done after receiving approval from Institutional Ethical committee approval with approval number …..

Kindly mention the approval number with date.