Mites (Acari) associated with peanut (Arachis hypogaea: Fabaceae) in Iran

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Mohsen Askari
Jalil Hajizadeh
Reza Hosseini


A faunistic study of mites (Acari) associated with peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) plant
in Guilan province, northern Iran was carried out during 2022. Aerial parts of plant, soil and
litter samples were collected from peanut fields in Guilan province. Mites were extracted by using
Berlese funnel or direct examinations of plant materials under a stereomicroscope. Collected mites
were cleared in lactic acid or Nesbitt's fluid and mounted in Hoyer's medium on microscopic slides.
Totally, 34 species belonging to 26 different genera and 16 families were collected and identified.
Except Tetranychus urticate (Koch) which had been previously reported from peanut elds, others
33 mite species are new records for mite's fauna associated with peanut fields in Iran. Collection
information of identied species is provided.

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How to Cite
Askari, M., Hajizadeh, J., & Hosseini, R. (2023). Mites (Acari) associated with peanut (Arachis hypogaea: Fabaceae) in Iran. Journal of Biological Studies, 5(6), 760–773.

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